Climate Resilient and
Inclusive Cities Project

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On July 2-3, 2024, Rizki Satria, CRIC Project Field Officer, participated in the Kupang Climate Action Plan (CAP) coordination meeting.

The meeting, held at the Leadership Meeting Room, Faculty of Agriculture, Nusa Cendana University, focused on expediting the completion of the CAP report. 

Welhelmus Mella, Lecturer and Kupang CAP Writing Team Leader from Nusa Cendana University attended the coordination meeting along with other CAP writing team members, Johanna Suek, Norman P.L.B. Riwu Kaho among others. The main agenda was fo finalise chapters 1, 2, and 4 of the CAP report. 

  • Chapter 1: The team added information related to Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (ENDC), reference sources, and the mechanisms for preparing climate action plan reports.
  • Chapter 2: Updates included average monthly rainfall data and land cover area diagrams.
  • Chapter 4: Rizki Satria explained extreme climate trends and improved wet (RX5day or series of rainfall over 5 days) and dry (set of dry days) climate risk maps.

The first and second chapters of the CAP report are now 98% complete and will soon be submitted to the CRIC Project Management Unit (PMU). Additionally, Rizki outlined the structure for Chapter 5, which the team will begin once climate change adaptation tagging is finalised by Kupang City working group members. They also completed several calculations of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector. Furthermore, the Kupang City Planning Agency, under the guidance of Bappeda Head Djidja Kadiwanu, has integrated 472 action plans from 15 local government units into the city's Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) 2025-2045.

Kupang has planned several sub-activities to conserve its ecosystem, including the construction of flood canals, river normalisation, tree planting, and expanding green open spaces. The city government also aims to provide social assistance, free medical treatment, and educational access through training and knowledge-sharing activities.

The meeting confirmed Kupang City's average growth rate of 5.37% between 2010-2022. This analysis underscores the collaborative efforts of CRIC working group members in completing Kupang's Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Plans, which will serve as the foundation for the city's future development.



A unique cooperation between cities, officials, civil society organizations, and academics towards resilient and inclusive cities.

Co-funded by EU

This project is co-funded by the European Union


Hizbullah Arief

Pascaline Gaborit