Climate Resilient and
Inclusive Cities Project

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Written by: Kesuma Yanti 

Banjarmasin City continued its dedicated efforts toward climate change mitigation and adaptation by progressing on the Climate Action Plan (CAP).

During a recent coordination meeting, the writing team, led by Mr Akbar Rahman, reported significant developments in the CAP, with Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 now completed.  

The results of the CAP document were also discussed together by the writing team, Bappeda, and the Banjarmasin City RPJPD drafting team to integrate inputs from the climate change mitigation and adaptation action plan into the city’s planning document.

The drafting of the CAP document aims to be inclusive and participatory. Efforts have been made to actively engage the Working Group (Pokja), ensuring their involvement in the process and gathering direct input on action programmes that were previously identified for both mitigation and adaptation.

The tagged programmes were then analysed, with high or very high-priority programmes selected and the top 10-20 priority programmes selected for mitigation

High-priority programmes, particularly those identified for climate action, are of special interest to the Regional Development Planning Agency (DPOs). There is a strong sense of responsibility to address these pressing challenges. This coordination meeting also yielded comprehensive input,  particularly regarding SDG 6 (Water and Sanitation), with representatives from PUPR and Perkim providing input that these programmes could be integrated with various offices, including PUPR, DLH, Perkim, and PD PAL, for more holistic solutions

Regarding the waste programme, it is also a special concern in this discussion. Several programmes in this area have been included in the high-priority actions. Several working groups highlighted the need for collaboration and synergy between agencies, suggesting that DLH alone should not bear the responsibility.  Instead, PUPR and the Educational Agency should work together to promote early education on waste management in schools. Another input is paying attention to the management of waste in hotels, including their solid waste.

Discussion surrounding priority mitigation and adaptation actions remains critical to achieving a common understanding among local government offices (OPDs) and ensuring the success of future implementation processes.

A unique cooperation between cities, officials, civil society organizations, and academics towards resilient and inclusive cities.

Co-funded by EU

This project is co-funded by the European Union


Hizbullah Arief

Pascaline Gaborit