Climate Resilient and
Inclusive Cities Project

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Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities Project will take part in the European Union Climate Diplomacy Week, where the Project will host a webinar on "Mainstreaming Climate Resilience in City Planning", on October 27. 

Climate Diplomacy Week is an annual event hosted by the European Union that takes place from October 23 to November 6 this year. The CRIC webinar will be opened by the Indonesia Ministry of Environment & Forestry's Director General of Climate Change Dr. Ruandha Agung Sugardiman. This event will bring together representatives from relevant Indonesian ministries and agencies, such as the Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance and National Board of Disaster Management. This event seeks to provide policy guidance and updates to local governments on climate resilience integration into development planning and climate financing mechanisms.

Please do join us and register yourself through this link:

CRIC EU Diplomacy Week1




A unique cooperation between cities, officials, civil society organizations, and academics towards resilient and inclusive cities.

Co-funded by EU

This project is co-funded by the European Union


Hizbullah Arief

Pascaline Gaborit