Kota Berketahanan Iklim
yang Inklusif

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Meet with the lead coordinator of the CRIC project Asih Budiati (UCLG-ASPAC- United Local Governments/Asia Pacific). CRIC stands for Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities. The project (funded by the EU) will bring together European, Indonesian and South-East Asian partners, experts and organizations to share knowledge, and find common tools for cities to become more resilient to climate... and more inclusive.

Kerjasama unik antara kota, pejabat, organisasi masyarakat sipil, dan akademisi menuju kota yang tangguh dan inklusif.

Didanai oleh UE

Proyek ini didanai oleh Uni Eropa


Hizbullah Arief

Pascaline Gaborit 